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中国人生活素来谨慎,向来有防患于未然的传统。创造财富,保存财富早已成为许多中国人生活的一部分。黄金保值那就藏黄金,房子保值那就买房子。当江南体育下载平台注册 作为能喝的古董被越来越多的人所知晓的时候,收藏江南体育下载平台注册 也成为许多人保存财富的手段之一。但是许多人并不知道,收藏江南体育下载平台注册 不能像收藏其他东西那样,只追求数量而忽略了质量。

Chinese people have always lived with caution and a tradition of taking precautions against possible dangers. Creating and preserving wealth has long been a part of the lives of many Chinese people. If gold keeps its value, it will hide it. If a house keeps its value, it will buy a house. When Pu'er tea is known to more and more people as a drinking antique, the collection of Pu'er tea has become one of the means for many people to preserve their wealth. But many people do not know that collecting Pu'er Tea can not be like collecting other things, only pursuing quantity but neglecting quality


同样是江南体育下载平台注册 ,有的产品能够带来财富的升值,有的则只能保值,还有的非但不能让财富有所增加,还会使财富缩水。因此,谈收藏就离不开品质、仓储、品牌这些细节,一般人需要花不少功夫才能研究的清楚明白。

The same is Pu'er tea, some products can bring about the appreciation of wealth, some can only preserve value, and some can not only make wealth increase, but also make wealth shrink. Therefore, the details of quality, warehousing and brand are indispensable to the collection. It takes a lot of effort for ordinary people to study them clearly.


在江南体育下载平台注册 产品遍地的今天,如果白送都几乎没人喝的产品放个若干年怎么可能会有人购买?非要说有一丝希望,那就是茶山的茶树全没了,那些库存的好茶都消失了,实在没得喝的情况下。说说也可笑,这情况会出现吗?

Nowadays, Pu'er tea products are everywhere. How can anyone buy a product that has been given away for a few years and almost no one drinks it? Needless to say, there is a glimmer of hope that all the tea plants in the tea mountain have disappeared, and all the good tea in stock has disappeared, and there is no need to drink it. It's funny to talk about it. Will this happen?


Think of it as a Hollywood disaster movie scene. If you have the ability of a prophet, collect junk tea and wait for a big profit in the future. But why not collect the actual point, from the quality, storage, brand to choose!


对于那些通过收藏江南体育下载平台注册 已经发家致富的人来说,他们在收藏江南体育下载平台注册 的过程中都是先看质量。以质量为门槛,然后根据手上现金的数量来最大限度的收藏江南体育下载平台注册 ,比如早年收藏大白菜班章,通过大白菜发家致富的一批老茶客。

For those who have made a fortune by collecting Pu'er Tea, they always look at the quality first in the process of collecting Pu'er Tea. With quality as the threshold, then according to the amount of cash in hand to maximize the collection of Pu'er tea, such as the collection of cabbage banner in early years, through cabbage rich group of old tea customers.



Therefore, Tibetan tea is better not to pursue quantity simply because it is cheaper.
